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University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball catcher looking for the sign while catching
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball catcher picking up the ball in a play
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball catcher receiving the ball as catch from the pitcher
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball catcher receiving the ball at home
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball catcher receiving the ball from the pitcher
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball catcher receiving the sign to give to the pitcher
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball catcher recieving a pitch
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball coach Bill Haller focusing in on the game
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball coach Bill Haller focusing in on the game
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball coach Bill Haller standing at third base
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball coaches focusing in on the game
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball first baseman receiving the ball at first base
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball game viewed from behind rows of spectators
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #11 and the first base coach talking at first base
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #11 fielding a ball in the outfield
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #11 preparing to bat
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #11 preparing to bat
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #12 preparing to field
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #12 running the bases
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #12 with the ball in the pitcher's circle
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #13 squaring up to bunt
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #13 swinging at the pitch
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #14 adjusting uniform
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #14 getting ready to catch a pop up
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #14 running in from the field
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #14 running to catch the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #14 up to bat
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #15 getting ready to lead off a base
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #15 running the bases
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #15 swinging at the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #15 throwing the ball in from the outfield
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #16 at first base with the coach
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #17 focusing in on the game
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #17 ready to field the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #17 swinging at the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #17 throwing the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #18 getting ready to hit a pitch
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #18 preparing to hit the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #19 mid pitch
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #19 mid pitch
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #19 pitching the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #19 right after a pitch
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #19 throwing a pitch
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #1 running bases
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #20 getting ready to pitch the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #20 pitches the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #21 getting ready to hit the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #21 pitching the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #21 pitching the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth women's softball player #21 preparing to hit the ball