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3963 - 100 of 215393 results
John and David Hartley sitting together on a boulder while being held up by an unidentified adult
John and David Hartley standing by a car in front of the house of Cavour Hartley at 3800 East Superior Street
John Bennett Shaw B.S.I.
John Bennett Shaw: Sherlock Holmes, Then and Now
John Berryman: A Retrospective
John Buckanga, Education and Minnesota Indian Affairs
John Caddy: Bureau of Indian Affairs Commissioner
John Campbell Greenway on horseback by a mining pit
John Cheek Headshot
John Congdon standing in the grass by a walkway
John Corigliano Headshot
John Dorner residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Dudley residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Gilfillan residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Hartley, Chester Adgate Congdon II, Caroline Claypool, and David Hartley outside of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
John Hartley, Chester Adgate Congdon II, Caroline Claypool, and David Hartley outside of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
John Hartley standing in front of the house of Cavour Hartley at 3800 East Superior Street
John Hope Franklin
John Houseman Headshot
John La Corte Memorial Tribute, Verrazzano Monument, Battery Park, NYC
John North residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Pillsbury residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Pillsbury residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Relyea Headshot
John R. Mott: Citizen of the World
John R. Mott: Our Best Days Are Ahead
John Sexton and Co.
John Sexton and Company
John Shaw residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Smith Journal 10, Supplementary Texts. Advertisement for corn and coal measures, No Date
John Smith Journal 10, Supplementary Texts. Medicinal recipes, No date
John Smith Journal 10, Supplementary Texts. Newspaper clipping of sale of farm, Monmouthshire, No date
John Smith Journal 10, Supplementary Texts. Note regarding breakfast with Mr. Pilkington, No Date
John Smith Journal 10, Supplementary Texts. Receipt for food and fodder, Lampeter, No date
John Smith Journal 11, Supplementary Texts. Receipt for food and fodder, Beaufort Arms, Chepstow, No date
John Smith Journal 12, Supplementary Texts. Receipt and instructions for medicines, No Date
John Smith Journal 12, Supplementary Texts. Receipt for application of veterinary compound; calculations on verso, No Date
John Smith Journal 14, Supplementary Texts. Receipt of goods, (no year)-04-28
John Smith Journal 17, Supplementary Texts. Receipt for goods, No Date
John Smith Journal 18, Supplementary Texts. Italian grammar, translation practice (recto); Acreage listing at North Field (verso), No Date
John Smith Journal 18, Supplementary Texts. Memo re woodland purchased by John Smith, 1773, No Date
John Smith Journal 19, Supplementary Texts. Account by acre of Thomas Miller's land, No Date
John Smith Journal 19, Supplementary Texts. Note - 2 lines on paper scrap, No date
John Smith Journal 19, Supplementary Texts. Receipt for delivery of paving stone, No Date
John Smith Journal 21, Supplementary Texts. Lines by a Mr. Pope celebrating generosity of a man of Herefordshire, No Date
John Smith Journal 21, Supplementary Texts. Poem, manuscript, No Date
John Smith Journal 21, Supplementary Texts. Poem, No Date
John Smith Journal 21, Supplementary Texts. Receipt for fodder, White Hart, Arbroath, No Date
John Smith Journal 21, Supplementary Texts. Receipt for food and fodder, Red Bear, Sherbourne (recto); Receipt for goods and monies lent (verso), No Date
John Smith Journal 21, Supplementary Texts. Receipt for food and fodder, Ship Inn, North Queensferry, No Date