This speech was aimed at Burroughs employees, and described what planned approaches to problems Burroughs already had in place. Part of this is also on tape BP58. At 10:25 Paul takes a sip of some bad coffee. This seems to be the full version of the address that is edited down into an 8 minute address found at
Burroughs Corporation
Mirabito, Paul
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Charles Babbage Institute.
For our Public Affairs program this afternoon we present an address by Marcus Raskin, Co-Director of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington. Raskin was a member of the National Security Council under President Kennedy, a member of the U.S. Disarmament Delegation to the 18 nation Geneva Conference in 1962, and was on the President's Panel...
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Raskin, Marcus
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Cartographic Details: Scale approximately 1:750,000. Relief shown pictorially. Covers area from Benares to Chittigong, from"Botan" [Bhutan] to Bay of Bengal."Published by permission of the court of directors from a drawing in their possession by A. Dury." Includes 1776 dedication by Andrew Dury.
Cartographic Details: Scale approximately 1:750,000. Relief shown pictorially. Covers area from Benares to Chittigong, from"Botan" [Bhutan] to Bay of Bengal."Published by permission of the court of directors from a drawing in their possession by A. Dury." Includes 1776 dedication by Andrew Dury.
Cartographic Details: Scale approximately 1:750,000. Relief shown pictorially. Covers area from Benares to Chittigong, from"Botan" [Bhutan] to Bay of Bengal."Published by permission of the court of directors from a drawing in their possession by A. Dury." Includes 1776 dedication by Andrew Dury.
Cartographic Details: Scale approximately 1:750,000. Relief shown pictorially. Covers area from Benares to Chittigong, from"Botan" [Bhutan] to Bay of Bengal."Published by permission of the court of directors from a drawing in their possession by A. Dury." Includes 1776 dedication by Andrew Dury.
Scratchboard illustration of anaconda on shore with reeds stalking two capybaras in water. Published in "South American Zoo" (Victor W. Von Hagen, 1946), page 133.
Cartographic Details: Scale approximately 1:9,180,000 (E 64°--E 102°/N 36°--N 4°).Relief shown pictorially. Appears in the author's Carey's general atlas, improved and enlarged. 1817. Name burnished out below title, probably J.T. Scott, sculp. In top right margin: 53.
Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839; M. Carey & Sons.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.
Anab Adan Gulaid grew up in Hargeisa, Somalia. After the outbreak of the Somali civil war in late 1990, she left Somalia with several family members and moved to Toronto, Canada, where she went to school and became a Canadian citizen. After marrying her husband, she moved the United States, living first in Chicago and then Minnesota. She is a me...
Gulaid, Anab
2015-07-11 - 2015-07-12
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Immigration History Research Center
We consider stochastic descriptions of reaction networks inwhich there are both fast and slow reactions, and the time scales arewidely separated. We obtain a reduced equation on a slow time scale byapplying a state space decomposition method to the full governing equationand describe our reduction method on the reaction simplex. Based on theanal...
Kan, Xingye (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Neuronal activity leads to increases in local cerebral blood flow (CBF) to allow adequate supply of O2 and nutrients to active neurons. This process, termed neurovascular coupling (NVC), is essential for cognition and survival and is disrupted in neurodegenerative disorders. In addition, several functional neuroimaging techniques utilize NVC to ...
Tsoukias, Nikolaos (Florida International University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
We present a semi-classical model for studying the optical responses of nano-structures, where the wave propagation is determined classically through Maxwell's equations and the motion of the nano-structure is determined quantum mechanically through Schrodinger equation. Ehrenfest molecular dynamics and Density Functional Theories are applied to...
Luo, Songting (Iowa State University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Cortical spreading depression (SD) is a spreading disruption in brain ionic homeostasis during which neurons experience complete and prolonged depolarizations. We perform simulations with a model of SD treating brain tissue as a triphasic continuum of neurons, glia and the extracellular space. A thermodynamically consistent incorporation of the ...
O'Connell, Rosemary (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
To Embrace Failure? A Multi-disciplinary Re-thinking Our point of departure is the productive failure of single authorship and of representation in Bertolt Brecht's theater, which ultimately led to new forms of collectivity and most famously to the Epic Theater. Yet our panel will inquire more broadly into the virtue of failure. What constitutes...
To Embrace Failure? A Multi-disciplinary Re-thinking Our point of departure is the productive failure of single authorship and of representation in Bertolt Brecht's theater, which ultimately led to new forms of collectivity and most famously to the Epic Theater. Yet our panel will inquire more broadly into the virtue of failure. What constitutes...
The structure of the zero set of a multivariate polynomial is a topic of wide interest, in view of its ubiquity in problems of analysis, algebra, partial differential equations, probability and geometry. The study of such sets, known in algebraic geometry literature as resolution of singularities, originated in the pioneering work of Jung, Abhya...
Pramanik, Malabika (University of British Columbia)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.