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Goldstein-Cohen wedding dinner at Hotel Savoy in New York City
Group of girls from Ely High School with megaphone
Group of nine men
Gymel Doled appreciation certificate to Hyman Miller
Hadassah, 38th Annual Convention Banquet, Detroit, Michigan, 1952
"Hannah and Her Seven Sons" by the Minneapolis Talmud Torah
Harry Cohen wedding portrait
Hertz family photos
Howard Norton Silverman certificate of entry for his Bar Mitzvah
Israeli dancers performing at Northrup Auditorium, University of Minnesota
Izzy Tanner (Tankenoff)
Jacob and Jenny Smith and family
Jaffee family with Rose Karon
Jewish choir at the United States Naval Training Center, 1945
Jewish school graduation 1928
Jewish War Veterans National Executive Committee Luncheon, 1959
Jewish War Veterans of the United States St. Paul Post No. 162, 3rd annual banquet, St. Paul Hotel, 1945
Jewish War Veterans of the United States St. Paul Post No. 162, 4th annual banquet, St. Paul Hotel, 1946
Jewish War Veterans Post 162 Banquet at the Ryan Hotel, 1947
Kantor family