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4057 - 40 of 213793 results
Spring at San Lorenzo near Tehuacan
Spring at San Lorenzo near Tehuacan
Spring at San Lorenzo near Tehuacan
Spring at San Lorenzo near Tehuacan
Spring ephemerals
Spring ephemerals
Spruce along streams
Spruce-birch forest. Permafrost study area.
Spruce krumholz at 2800 feet- Noon
Spruce krumholz at 2800 feet- Noon
Spruce krumholz in snow tent
Spruce krumholz in snow tent
Spruce krumholz in snow tent
Spruce sapling injured by repeated frosts in deforested area, low pocket
Spruce sapling injured by repeated frosts in low pocket in deforested area
Spruce sapling injured by repeated frosts in low pocket in deforested area
Spruce sapling undamaged by frost on higher ground near 66-16-22 to 66-16-24.
Spruce Woods Provinvial Park
Spruce Woods Provinvial Park