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4091 - 100 of 213793 results
Sketch of a house exterior.
Sketch of a house exterior.
Sketch of a house exterior.
Sketch of a house, shed, and barn.
Sketch of a house with construction in the back.
Sketch of a hunting scene with spectators.
Sketch of American Indians and a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Mexican scene with adobe house, fountain, cacti, palm trees, men on burros and a woman.
Sketch of a Minneapolis parade float, the banner states "Welcome to My Guests."
Sketch of an ad drop with a central cathedral image.
Sketch of an American Indian climbing on rocks.
Sketch of an arch framing a landscape with a barn.
Sketch of anchored Viking ship.
Sketch of an Eastern garden.
Sketch of an Eastern palace near a river.
Sketch of an elevator entrance.
Sketch of an entrance to a boat landing.
Sketch of an exterior hotel wall with doors.
Sketch of an exterior with a gazebo.
Sketch of an oval floorplan.
Sketch of a palatial interior.
Sketch of a parlor with factory scene on stage.
Sketch of a patio with awning
Sketch of a proscenium arch with field grass.
Sketch of a real estate house/office.
Sketch of a residential area and city park.
Sketch of a saloon interior labeled "Roaring Gulch Saloon."
Sketch of a ship.
Sketch of a ship's ballroom.
Sketch of a ship's deck.
Sketch of a sleigh, a rabbit, birch trees.
Sketch of a southwestern ranch.
Sketch of a steam ship deck.
Sketch of a street and buildings with bay windows.
Sketch of a street with buildings and street lights.
Sketch of a sunset over river with high banks.
Sketch of a trail along lake.
Sketch of automobiles in a park with columns.
Sketch of automobiles on road near a lake house.
Sketch of a Viking and American Indian battle.
Sketch of a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Viking ship at sea.
Sketch of a Viking ship on a Norwegian flag.
Sketch of a walled yard with stone buildings.
Sketch of a water with a beach in the distance.
Sketch of a wood drop.
Sketch of a wood drop.
Sketch of a wood drop.