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4097 - 100 of 214893 results
Two people standing by bales of hay at Hartley Stock Farm
Two people standing by Wolf Lake with three planes landed on the ice
Two people standing in front of a church
Two people standing in front of a plane on the ice on Wolf Lake
Two people standing in front of a plane on the ice on Wolf Lake
Two people standing on a dock over a lake
Two people standing on the steps in front of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Two people standing together near the shore of Wolf Lake
Two people swimming by a floating dock from a canoe on Wolf Lake
Two people swimming in Cass Lake beside a boat
Two people wading in Cass Lake
Two people wearing white dresses
Two performers on stage
Two pictures of a group of military officers
Two pictures of a group of military officers
Two Portuguese women in traditional dress
Two preteens practice archery during the Tweens on Wheels program at the Wagon Wheel camp
Two ranchers
Two real battle commands : to the soldier: fix bayonets! charge : to the civilian: buy bonds! buy more!
Two ROTC students hold flags on UMD campus
Two secretaries
Two ships docked in a canal in the Saint Clair River
Two Sholom Home volunteers fold pamphlets, St. Paul, Minnesota
Two small children sitting on the back of another child in the front yard of the house of Cavour Hartley at 3800 East Superior Street
Two small planes in a field near Wolf Lake
Two students
Two students at the University of Birmingham during University of Minnesota Duluth's 1981-82 Study-in-England program
Two students eat in front of window in UMD Residence Hall Dining Center
Two students eat in the UMD Residence Hall Dining Center
Two students in Biology Department rowboat with scientific equipment
Two students throwing a ball to each other on a playground at the Dana Hall School
Two students wear headphones in Kirby Student Center
Two Talmud Torah students hug on likely the last day of school, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Two Talmud Torah students stand at the front doors of the Menachem Heilicher Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Two Trains Running
Two Trains Running
Two Trains Running
Two Trains Running Featured Article in Playbill (1992)
Two Trains Running Souvenir Book
Two turkeys in front of a boat mounted on stilts
Two unidentified adults and a child preparing to launch a canoe into Trout Lake by the maple sugar camp
Two unidentified adults and a child sitting on the front steps of the main cabin at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Two unidentified adults and a child standing in front of a cabin in the woods
Two unidentified children and an adult standing in front of the clubhouse at Wolf Lake
Two unidentified children raking brush into a wheelbarrow in front of the main cabin at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Two unidentified children sitting in a yard by a house
Two unidentified children sitting on a sled on a snow-covered hill
Two unidentified children standing behind a rose bush by a building
Two unidentified children standing by a dock on the shore of Cass Lake
Two unidentified children standing by the side of a brick house