In this talk, we present the numerical analysis of a bond-based peridynamic model. Model is nonlinear and is characterized by two wells. One well, near zero strain, correspond to the linear elastic interaction whereas second well corresponds to the softening of material. We present finite element analysis when the solution is in C1 and C2. We al...
Jha, Prashant Kumar (Louisiana State University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
We give a survey of some of the ways that number theorists use Sage. Among the basic objects we will encounter are elliptic curves, modular forms, and L-functions (including zeta functions).
Kedlaya, Kiran (University of California, San Diego)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Pencil drawings of a hibiscus tree and a branch of the tree from Nuku Hiva island from the Marquesas (French Polynesia.) Drawn during Jaques's travels with the 1934-1935 Templeton Crocker expedition to the South Pacific, undertaken in preparation for taxidermy dioramas at the American Museum of Natural History. Many small hash marks divide each ...
Pencil drawing of a guava tree from Nuku Hiva island from the Marquesas (French Polynesia.) Drawn during Jaques's travels with the 1934-1935 Templeton Crocker expedition to the South Pacific, undertaken in preparation for taxidermy dioramas at the American Museum of Natural History. Many small hash marks divide tree into pieces, each numbered, f...
Pencil drawing of a stalk of grass from Nuku Hiva island from the Marquesas (French Polynesia), created on the 1934-1935 Templeton Crocker expedition to the South Pacific in preparation for taxidermy dioramas at the American Museum of Natural History. Along the bottom of the page is another drawing, depicting of a mountainous island seen from th...
Single chromatin fibers were reconstituted in vitroby salt dialysis from purified histone octamers and 2×18 tandemrepeats of the 5S DNA positioning sequence. The fibers wereflanked by naked ˆ¼600 bp DNA spacers and ˆ¼500 bp DNA stickersmodified with digoxigenin and biotin destined to be linkedrespectively to the coated bottom of the flow cell a...
Prunell, Ariel (Institut Jacques Monod)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The higher order structure of chromatin depends crucially on the local geometry of the DNA on the nucleosome. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a very convenient method to measure intramolecular distances in such large biomolecules and thereby obtain information on the DNA geometry. Varying label positions, DNA fragment length, hi...
Ferro-solitons and patches of localised patterns have been observed experimentally on the surface of a magnetic fluid in the presence of a uniform vertical magnetic field by Richter and Barashenkov (PRL 2005). In this talk, I will present some recent experimental results of Richter and link these with some analysis and numerical results of the e...
Lloyd, David J.B. (University of Surrey)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.