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4093 - 40 of 213789 results
Moldy round bale in a field of red clover and birdsfoot trefoil
Morning dew drops on alfalfa leaf.
Mountain ash
Mountain ash
Mountain ash
Mountain ash
Mowing around edge of mulched blueberry field.
Mung Bean.
Mung Bean.
Mung Bean.
Mustard weed
Mustard weed
Nancy Ehlke
Nancy Ehlke.
Nancy Ehlke (far left) speaking at field day held near Roseau, Minnesota, July, 1999 at the University of Minnesota Magnusson Research Farm.
Nancy Ehlke (far right) speaking at field day held near Roseau, Minnesota, July, 1999 at the University of Minnesota Magnusson Research Farm.
Nancy Ehlke, University of Minnesota Dept. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics.
Navy, adzuki, black turtle, pinto, dark red kidney beans.
Navy, adzuki, black turtle, pinto, dark red kidney beans.
Navy, adzuki, black turtle, pinto, dark red kidney beans.