Photographs from University of Minnesota Duluth Theatre’s 2014 dance concert, Off the Record. Run dates: February 20-23, 2014. Venue: Marshall Performing Arts Center Mainstage Theatre. Images are from the following dances in this order: Irish Elements (2); Migration (4, including 2 from a rehearsal); Invisible Tethers (3); Sambo Do Barba (2); Il...
Groehler, Brett
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
This silent film offers a unique non-game look at the 1960 National Champion Golden Gophers as they practice, travel, get help at the trainer's table, go to a movie, watch TV, and eat meals. The film includes players and their families, Coach Murray Warmath, cheerleaders, and fans.
University of Minnesota
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
An United States Air Force Master Sergeant monitors the readout on a Burroughs off-line paper tape printer. The printer may be a part of the ATLAS or SAGE surveillance systems.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Charles Babbage Institute.
An off-line papers tape printer in a portable case. The lid of the case is open to reveal two large spools. Tape is unwinding off of the right spool, around and through several tension points, and onto the left spool. The tape is reads: "Air Force Cambridge GRD Read."
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Charles Babbage Institute.
One priest and two other members of the Maryland Grand Lodge preside at a meeting. The sign hanging from the podium lists names of the various officers of the Grand Lodge.
1970 - 1979
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Sons of Italy Meeting with President Ronald Reagan at the White House, September 24, 1987. Left to right: Judge Dominic R. Massaro of NY; National President Joseph Avara of MD; President Ronald Reagan; Peter B. Gay, Past National President of MA.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Left to right: Dr. Salvatore Donahue of Baltimore, MD; Carlo Julio of Baltimore, MD; Judge Dominic R. Massaro of NY; National President Joseph Avara of MD; President Ronald Reagan; Peter B. Gay, Past National President of MA; Micheal Caira; Executime Director of MA; Sal Ambrosino, Assistant Executive Director of Washington, D.C.;
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.