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4100 - 20 of 213789 results
A Parallel, Adaptive, First-Order System Least-Squares (FOSLS) Algorithm for Incompressible, Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics
Ifrah Mansour Oral History
Harvest done by hand, Seoul, Korea
Korean farmer harvesting with a sickle, Seoul, Korea
Korean farmers threshing wheat, Seoul, Korea
Terraced fields, Seoul, Korea
The American vocalist : a selection of tunes, anthems, sentences and hymns, old and new : designed for the church, the vestry or the parlor ...
The American vocalist : a selection of tunes, anthems, sentences, and hymns, old and new: designed for the church, the vestry, or the parlor ... from the compositions of Billings, Holden ... in three parts
A fast path integral method for liquid water
Discrete Geometry Processing with Topological Guarantees