This folder contains materials created/collected by the National Recreation Association which was founded in 1906 as the Playground Association of America and later known variously as the Playground and Recreation Association of America (1911), National Recreation Association (1930), and National Recreation and Park Association (1965). Initially...
National Recreation Association
1942-12 - 1943-07
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
Clarence ("Cap") Wigington (1883-1967) was the first African-American registered architect to practice for any substantial length of time in Minnesota. In 1915, one year after moving to St. Paul, Wigington took a qualifying exam as a senior draftsman and became the first African American municipal architect in the United States. He had the highe...
Wigington, Clarence Wesley, 1883-1967
Bassford, Charles A.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Clarence ("Cap") Wigington (1883-1967) was the first African-American registered architect to practice for any substantial length of time in Minnesota. In 1915, one year after moving to St. Paul, Wigington took a qualifying exam as a senior draftsman and became the first African American municipal architect in the United States. He had the highe...
Wigington, Clarence Wesley, 1883-1967
Bassford, Charles A.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Area near Camp Hale, in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. This was the location where paratroopers trained for World War II. Dr. Ancel Keys and Dr. Olaf Mickelsen were sent to this location to help the Quatermaster Corps team to implement the use of K-rations during training.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Area near Camp Hale, in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. This was the location where paratroopers trained for World War II. Dr. Ancel Keys and Dr. Olaf Mickelsen were sent to this location to help the Quatermaster Corps team to implement the use of K-rations during training.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Area near Camp Hale, in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. This was the location where paratroopers trained for World War II. Dr. Ancel Keys and Dr. Olaf Mickelsen were sent to this location to help the Quatermaster Corps team to implement the use of K-rations during training.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.