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4157 - 100 of 213789 results
Sketch for Mural, Gran Chaco
Sketch for Mural, Rio Paraguay
Sketch for Orpheum marquee, row of street lamps, and stone walled garden.
Sketch for the Appollan Ballet.
Sketch for the Masonic Blue Lodge staircase examining the first three degrees of Freemasonry.
Sketch for the Norse-American Centennial, titled "Discoverers of a new home."
Sketch labeled "The Day After."
Sketch Map, Cloquet Forestry Station, Cloquet, Minn.
Sketch of a bank and a jail.
Sketch of a barn.
Sketch of a barn and street - section d
Sketch of a building exterior with practical opening.
Sketch of a captain's cabin aboard ship.
Sketch of a Captain's cabin onboard ship.
Sketch of a cathedral along a river.
Sketch of a cathedral and a bridge.
Sketch of a Christmas scene for Donaldson's Christmas Display, 1925.
Sketch of a Christmas scene for Donaldson's Christmas Display Opening Nov 12, 1925.
Sketch of a circus tent interior.
Sketch of a circus tent interior.
Sketch of a cityscape.
Sketch of a city scene including an orange building with green.
Sketch of a coal car on track leaving a mine.
Sketch of a composition including windows, pillars and a door.
Sketch of a conservatory with columns and side stairs.
Sketch of a cornucopia with Pillsbury Flower and grain stalks
Sketch of a country scene.
Sketch of a country scene.
Sketch of a country scene with a house.
Sketch of a desert.
Sketch of a docked ship.
Sketch of a false proscenium and buildings.
Sketch of a false proscenium with exterior of barn.
Sketch of a forest.
Sketch of a forest and a stream.
Sketch of a forest with cabin in a clearing.
Sketch of a fort with bench - section A.
Sketch of a frame with Viking and American Indian composition.
Sketch of a garden arch with flowers.
Sketch of a garden wall.
Sketch of a garden wall and stone bench.
Sketch of a gate with a tree.
Sketch of a grassy hill, grape arbor and barrel.
Sketch of a ground plan of panorama.
Sketch of a hallway with exotic birds.
Sketch of a hay bale.
Sketch of a hayloft.
Sketch of a hotel lobby.
Sketch of a hotel lobby depicted through an archway.
Sketch of a house and a tree.