Gouache painting for the cover of a magazine, from Francis Lee Jaques's time at the Duluth Photo Engraving company. Depicts a pair of moose quartered away, wading through water towards a forested bank. A painted placard occupies the lower left quadrant of the image and bears the legend "With Canoe and Paddle in" followed by a blank space for add...
Soldier laying back in chair looking up at sky with binoculars. Stamped on the back of poster: "Specimen of British information matter supplied for record purposes only"
1939 - 1945
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Upper Midwest Literary Archives.
I'll discuss a method for approximating the super-level set persistent homology of a Gaussian kernel density estimator for a point cloud data set, which is related to the witness complex. Instead of selecting elements of the data set, the witnesses are generated using quadratic programming, and the shifted Voronoi diagram (aka the power diagram)...
Carlsson, Erik (University of California, Davis)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
This mini-spiral notebook contains the field notes of Antoni Wodzicki, of the Gabbro Lake Quadrangle in the northwest half of Pre-Keweenawan from August 13th, 1964 to September 9th, 1964. Thirty eight samples were taken in ninety two locations. Samples are listed within the notes, along with a description of each sample and coordinates of where ...
Green, John C.
1964-08-13 - 1964-09-09
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This mini-spiral notebook contains the field notes of Antoni Wodzicki, of the Gabbro Lake Quadrangle in the northwest half of Pre-Keweenawan from July 10th, 1964 to August 11th, 1964. Ffity eight samples were taken in one hundred and forty four different locations. Samples are listed within the notes, along with a description of each sample and ...
Green, John C.
1964-07-10 - 1964-08-11
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Collection of music by Hugo Wolf.includes; The Convalescent's Ode to Hope, The Boy and the Bee, Just Ere the Dawn of Day, Huntsman's Song, The Drummer, Song to Spring, The Forsaken Maiden, The Meeting, Insatiable Love, Wandering, Ode to an Aeolian Harp, Secrecy. Also pictured is the frontspiece.
Wolf, Hugo
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.