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4164 - 40 of 211510 results
Photo of gun factory with guns waiting for assembly/Text also in French and English
Photo of soldiers and sled dogs on Mount Adamello with housing in background/Text also in French and English
Photo of soldiers at an observatory peak on the lookout with a telescope and binoculars
Photo of soldiers firing rifles out of the trenches
Photo of soldiers positioning canon skyward to battle airplanes
Photo of soldier wearing heavy winter coat and holding rifle overlooking mountainside from the safety of a trench barricade in the mountains
Photo of women at work in factory/Text also in French and English
Photo postcard of victory parade taken at street level as soldiers march through archway adorned with flags and garland
Pieces d'artillerie anglaise en Belgique.
Postkaart : Carte Postale
Pour sur! que je ne veut pas me marier avant que la guerre soye finite.
Prigionieri di guerra : prisonniers de guerre
Proclamation ...
Proclamation ...
Proclamation ...
Proclamation ...
Proclamation ...
Proclamation : du commandant militaire allemand : de Lille
Protect America's production : safe packing correct making careful handling secure loading : perfect shipping month
Qui done es-tu soldat qu'un peuple entier venere sous cet Arc triomphal dresse pur les Heros? ...