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Tenement row, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tennis Courts
Tennis match, Chungking YMCA
Ten second clip of voice stating “Can begin developing the kind of student power… but even the most…”
Tentative Layout of 9 Hole Course on U of M Golf Driving Range, St. Paul, Minnesota
Teopisca sign
Terms and Translations of Standard Trade Products
Terrace at Congdon Castle
Terrace Theatre, Exterior perspective.
Terracotta soldier, Alancer.
Terracotta soldiers
Terracotta soldiers
Terracotta soldiers, horses, and chariot
Terra cotta toys
"Territorial Integrity" of Cyprus Turkish Style
Territory of Dakota
Terry Wallace on Tai Chi
Testing for HIV
Testudo Pardalis
Text, ending slide for presentation
Text, end slide for presentation
text page
Text, Veritas caput, Itasca Park, origin of its name from Jacob Brower's "Itasca State Park: An Illustrated History," 1904
Thai ceramic Ganesh
Thai cotton cloth
Thai lacquer plate depicting Arjuna and Krishna
Thai Ramakien puppet
Thai silk sarong
Thai silk sarong
Thai silk sarong
Thalictrum dioicum
Thanksgiving Day play
Thapakar purse
Thapakar purse
Thaparkar embroidered half of bukani
Tharparkar bukhani "wedding turban"
Tharparkar bukhani "wedding turban"
Tharparkar embroidered bag
Thatcher, Roscoe W.
Thatcher, Roscoe W.
Thatcher, Roscoe W.
Thatcher, Roscoe W.
That evening Dr. J. Heng Liu told a radio audience about the cholera parade and cholera prevention.
That the children of tomorrow may inherit health
The 1200 boy scouts were constantly on the job.
The '89 National YMCA History Theatre Troupe Presents the International YMCA
The ABC's - EFG's by Joel A. Barker
The above is a picture of the game room and reading room in the Boys' Department.