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Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary perform in costume at Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary perform in costume at Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary point to Life Member plaque, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose at Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose in themed attire at Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose near "Hospital Bed Fund" display at Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Mi
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose next to Mount Sinai Hospital Book Fair Collection Depot sign, Mi
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose with a check from their cookbook sales, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose with armored knight to promote the Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Min
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose with armored knight to promote the Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Min
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose with silly hats to promote the Mad Hatter Ball, Minneapolis, Min
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary prepare for a skit at a luncheon, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary present a baby book to patient, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary promote the Mad Hatter Ball, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary sell their cookbook at fundraising event, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary sell their cookbook at fundraising event, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary serve food as part of their patient services initiative, Minneapolis,
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary sort books for Book Fair, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary sort books for Book Fair, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary sort boxes of books for Book Fair, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary staff the book cart as part of their patient services initiative, Min
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary stand around book deposit sign for Book Fair, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary stand in front of Book Fair trailer, Edina, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary stand near a punch bowl at meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary work in a call center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary work in auxiliary office, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers participating in a Poale Zion "Tag Day" fund raising effort in St. Paul, Minnesota
Volunteer with sign at the Jewish Community Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Von Bohland, Yuanita
Von Mann zu Mann
VonWitzke, Harold W.
vonwitzke, Harold W.
VonWitzke, Harold W.
VonWitzke, Harold W.
VonWitzke, Harold W.
VonWitzke, Harold W.
VonWitzke, Harold W.
VonWitzke, Harold W.
VonWitzke, Harold W.
VonWitzke, Harold W.
VonWitzke, Harold W.
VonWitzke, Harold W.
Voodoo Fire in Haiti
V, Ordered index cards to the glass plate and film negatives (Index Cards)
Vor der Schickalswende Deutschlands! Uber dieses Thema spricht Pg Wilhelm Keller.
Vor gro?en politischen Entscheidungen! , Wer wird Sieger sein? , Hieruber spricht Stadtverordneter Pg. Johannes Enge
Vorum, Andrew Huntingford
Vorwarts , Wahlt Liste 2 Sozialdemokraten , Berliner Volksblatt , Donnerstag 3. November 1932 , Zentralorgan der Soz
Vose, David