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Be up-to-date -- be a U.S. Marine : first to change the old campaign hat for the modern helmet : enlist at 24 East 2
Bhota all'inghil terra
Bird's eye view of Lake Vermilion : the Vermilion route
Black and white photo postcard of group of soldiers mostly in white shirts and dark pants, some standing holding lunch pails, a couple holding banners or flags, one holding a drum and one sitting on the ground with sign
Black and white photo postcard of group of soldiers standing in formation
Blegen, Theodore Christian
"Blinded" : may these stars shine for him who hath no eyes : appealing to the Stars and Stripes : send your check to
Blood or bread : others are giving their blood : you will shorten the war -- save life if you eat only what you need
Board of Regents
Boh do krivdy hromom a junak gul'ami - - - - -