This folder contains materials created/collected by the National Recreation Association which was founded in 1906 as the Playground Association of America and later known variously as the Playground and Recreation Association of America (1911), National Recreation Association (1930), and National Recreation and Park Association (1965). Initially...
National Recreation Association
1949-09 - 1940-04
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
Agenda and summaries of discussions held during the exercise. Folder also contains reports and scenarios depicting plans for Chicago’s response to atomic attack and Hoehler’s outline of welfare services essential to a civil defense program.
Hoehler, Fred K.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the United Neighborhood Houses of New York, a federation of New York City settlement houses. The United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. (UNH) was founded by Mary K. Simkhovitch and John L. Elliott in 1900 as the Association of Neighborhood Workers, a federation of York City settlement hou...
United Neighborhood Houses of New York
1950 - 1966
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the organization known as the National Human Services Assembly, as of 2005. Originially titled "The National Social Work Council," the organization was first organized in 1923 by executives of national welfare associations who met to discuss common problems and exchange information. Subsequent ...
National Social Welfare Assembly
1951 - 1955
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
The collection consists of the papers of Richard M. Elliott, professor and chairman of the Psychology Department at the University of Minnesota (1919-1956). The papers contain Elliott's personal and professional correspondence, lecture notes, history of the Psychology Department and work with the Appleton Century Crofts publishing company. The p...
Elliott, Richard Maurice, 1887-1969
1951 - 1952
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the National Conference on Christians and Jews related to discrimination and race. The National Conference of Christians and Jews, was formed in 1928 to facilitate cooperation between religions on civic and social justice issues and to promote understanding and mutual respect through education ...
National Conference of Christians and Jews
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the National Conference on Christians and Jews related to discrimination and race. The National Conference of Christians and Jews, was formed in 1928 to facilitate cooperation between religions on civic and social justice issues and to promote understanding and mutual respect through education ...
National Conference of Christians and Jews
1952 - 1956
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the National Conference on Christians and Jews related to discrimination and race. The National Conference of Christians and Jews, was formed in 1928 to facilitate cooperation between religions on civic and social justice issues and to promote understanding and mutual respect through education ...
National Conference of Christians and Jews
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the National Conference on Christians and Jews related to discrimination and race. The National Conference of Christians and Jews, was formed in 1928 to facilitate cooperation between religions on civic and social justice issues and to promote understanding and mutual respect through education ...
National Conference of Christians and Jews
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the organization known as the National Human Services Assembly, as of 2005. Originially titled "The National Social Work Council," the organization was first organized in 1923 by executives of national welfare associations who met to discuss common problems and exchange information. Subsequent ...
National Social Welfare Assembly
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the Child Study Association of America, an association providing education and resources on child development and child rearing for parents and professionals. The core of the Association's work was with parents enrolled in study groups under the leadership of a professionally trained staff memb...
Child Study Association of America
1954 - 1955
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the National Conference on Christians and Jews related to discrimination and race. The National Conference of Christians and Jews, was formed in 1928 to facilitate cooperation between religions on civic and social justice issues and to promote understanding and mutual respect through education ...
National Conference of Christians and Jews
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the organization known as the National Human Services Assembly, as of 2005. Originially titled "The National Social Work Council," the organization was first organized in 1923 by executives of national welfare associations who met to discuss common problems and exchange information. Subsequent ...
National Social Welfare Assembly
1955 - 1956
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.