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16 - 20 of 792 results
John Smith Journal 1, 1758
Adair Rounthwaite, Art Historian, on Participatory Art, November 2010
Adam Muller, Scholar of Mass Violence, Nov. 2015
Adam Zientek, Professor of History, on the Psychiatry of Warfare, December 2011
Adeena Karasick, Cultural Theorist, on the Materiality of Language, February 2013
Adelheid Kreiner, Restaurant Owner, Oct. 2014
Alice Shields, Composer, on her Musical Life, March 2013
Alona Nitzan-Shiftan, Professor of Architecture, on Post-WWII Israeli Architecture, December 2009
Amy Howard, Professor of American Studies, on Public Housing, February 2010
Amy Kaminsky, Professor of Women's Studies, on Jewish Argentina, November 2011