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26 - 40 of 1446 results
The Gopher, Volume 39, 1926
The Gopher, Volume 49, 1936
The Gopher, Volume 50, 1937
The Gopher, Volume 52, 1939
The Gopher, Volume 53, 1940
The Gopher, Volume 54, 1941
The Gopher, Volume 58, 1945
The Gopher, Volume 60, 1947
The Gopher, Volume 61, 1948
The Gopher, Volume 62, 1949
The Gopher, Volume 63, 1950
University Association of Black Employees (UABE). (Box 2, Folder 6)
Minneapolis Committee - Japanese resettlement, 1942-1945. (Box 238, Folder 9)
All-South Human Relations Conference Working Papers, Program, Reports, Publicity, Photographs, May 1963. (Box 50, Folder 8)
Member Houses and Associated Settlement Organizations, National Federation of Settlements, Correspondence, Minutes, Reports, 1943-1947. (Box 232, Folder 584)
Programs, Organizations, and Subjects, 1930-1980s. General Subjects. General Subject Files. Bedford-Stuyvesant Youth in Action, Inc. Newsletters. (Box 274, Folder 7)
Programs, Organizations, and Subjects, 1930-1980s. General Subjects. General Subject Files. Poverty, Youth Employment (Box 274, Folder 2)
Special Projects, 1939-1940, 1944-1946, 1959-1970s. Alternatives to Detention (ATD), 1970s. Minutes and Correspondence, 1973. (Box 170, Folder 17)
Special Projects, 1939-1940, 1944-1946, 1959-1970s. Neighborhood Youth Corps, 1964-1969. Special Youth Corps Projects. Photography Project, 1965-1968. (Box 89, Folder 4)
Special Projects, 1939-1940, 1944-1946, 1959-1970s. South Bronx Youth Service System, 1970s. Affiliated Agency Reports, Objectives and Activities Reports. (Box 175, Folder 8)