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Records of Students Classified According to Major, Lists of Foreign Students and country of origin, African-American Students, Women at the Mayo Foundation, Rochester fellows registered on the Minneapolis campus (some years) and Foreign Students at the...
Special Projects, 1939-1940, 1944-1946, 1959-1970s. Neighborhood Youth Corps, 1964-1969. Special Youth Corps Projects. Photography Project, 1965-1968. (Box 89, Folder 4)
Special Projects, 1939-1940, 1944-1946, 1959-1970s. Summer Youth Programs,Teen Conferences Notebook, continued, 1965-1967. (Box 113, Folder 1)
United Neighborhood Houses of New York Records, Scrapbook 14 (Box 248-249, Folder 62-65)
United Neighborhood Houses of New York Records, Scrapbook 15 (Box 249, Folder 66-70)
United Neighborhood Houses of New York Records, Scrapbook 18 (Box 251, Folder 79-84)
United Neighborhood Houses of New York Records, Scrapbook 1 (Box 239, Folder 1-11)
University Association of Black Employees (UABE). (Box 2, Folder 6)
White House Conference on Children and Youth. (Box 6, Folder 5)
Meetings and Conferences, 1926-1980. Techniculture Conference Committee. (Box 158, Folder 22)