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81 - 40 of 1446 results
Emilie Buchwald, Children's Writer, Mar. 2014
Peter Weisensel, Russian Historian, on Ukranian Current Events, Mar. 2014
Katrina Vanderberg's Bat and the Circulation of Ideas: Peter Shea, Mar. 2014
Barbara Sommer, Oral Historian, Mar. 2014
Larry Millett, Journalist and Author, Mar. 2014
Dominique Tobbell, Historian of Health Care, Mar. 2014
Oral History Workshop and Panel (Part 1): Dominique Tobbell, Barbara Sommer, Peter Shea, and Paul Hillmer, Mar. 2014
Oral History Workshop and Panel (Part 2): Dominique Tobbell, Barbara Sommer, Peter Shea, and Paul Hillmer, Mar. 2014
Lisa Von Drasek, Children's Literature Librarian, Apr. 2014
Catherine Meier, Visual Artist, Apr. 2014
Lise Lunge-Larsen, Troll Expert, Apr. 2014
Hong-Ming Liang, Professor of History and Politics, Apr. 2014
Hong-Ming Liang's Interns at Middle Ground Journal, Apr. 2014
Robert DeArmond, Arts Council Director, Apr. 2014
Lawrence Lee, Pastor of United Church of Two Harbors, Apr. 2014
Shane Courtland, Philosopher, Apr. 2014
Will Weaver, Author, Apr. 2014
Ann Treacy, Information Technologist, on Google Glass, Apr. 2014
Paul Hillmer, Oral Historian, on Hmong History, Apr. 2014
Louis Jenkins, Poet, on Evolving as an Artist, Apr. 2014