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Corporate Records. Policy-making Bodies. Minute Books. (Box 010, Folder 05)
Corporate Records. Policy-making Bodies. Minute Books. (Box 013, Folder 02)
Corporate Records. Policy-making Bodies. Minute Books. (Box 014, Folder 05)
Corporate Records. Policy-making Bodies. Minute Books. (Box 014, Folder 06)
Historic Materials. New England Watch and Ward Society. (Box 004, Folder 05)
The popular hymnal; old standard hymns and popular gospel songs, for use in all departments of church, Sunday school and young people's work,
Hymns for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Musical leaves for sabbath schools : composed of Musical leaves nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, with an addition of one hundred popular hymns
Evangeliums-Lieder 1 und 2: mit deutschen Kernliedern = Gospel hymns
Living hymns : for use in the Sabbath school, Christian endeavor meetings, the church and home