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88 - 40 of 1446 results
Savannah Rhomberg-Reich, Playwright, on Theater, August 2010
Scott VanKoughnett, Bookstore Owner, Sep. 2015
Sean Walsh, Professor of Philosophy, on Confucius, December 2012
Seitu Jones, Artist, on Community, December 2012
Shane Courtland, Philosopher, Apr. 2014
Sharon Day, Director, Indigenous People's Task Force, July 2015
Shawny Anderson, Service Learning Leader, July 2015
Shelley Cords-Swanson, Visual Artist, on her Inspiration, October 2012
Shirley Nelson Garner, Professor of English, on Shakespeare, March 2010
Shohini Ghosh, Filmmaker, on her Films, November 2006
Siegfried Kröpfl, Vegan Chef, Sep. 2014
Simon Gikandi, Professor of English, on Literary History, October 2009
Sister Helen Prejean and Mary Ann Antrobus, on Nicaragua, May 2011
Stacy Alaimo, Professor of English, on Transcorporeality, November 2009
Stan & Gladys Friesen, Inventors of Gladcorn, July 2010
Stefan Heid, Ethnologist and Writer, Oct. 2014
Steve Freeman, Realtor, Feb. 2015
Steve LeBeau, Editor of MN Business Magazine, Nov. 2015
Susan Buck-Morss, Professor of Political Philosophy, on Visual Imagery, February 2009
Susan Hawthorne, Professor of Philosophy, on ADHD