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Members of Avatan Nude Recreation Camp (2/6), June 2015
Members of Avatan Nude Recreation Camp (3/6), June 2015
Members of Avatan Nude Recreation Camp (4/6), June 2015
Members of Avatan Nude Recreation Camp (5/6), June 2015
Members of Avatan Nude Recreation Camp (6/6), June 2015
Michaela Fassl and Markus Uitz, Farmers, Oct. 2014
Michaela Fröhlich, Agriculture Teacher, Sep. 2014
Michael Cherlin, Professor of Music Theory, on Creativity and Collaboration, March 2007
Michael Dennis Browne, Professor of English, on Poetry, November 2009
Michael Fortun, Professor of Science and Technology Studies, on his Ethnographies, April 2009
Michael Gaudio, Professor of Art History, on Early Modern Images, April 2008
Michael Gogins, Composer, on his Music, February 2013
Michael Hartl, Gardener and Programmer, Oct. 2014
Michael Linick, Researcher at RAND Corp., Mar. 2015
Michael Osterholm, Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, on the Fukushima nuclear disaster, March 2011
Michal Hvorecký, Author, Apr. 2015
Michelle Dammon Loyalka, Journalist, on China, April 2012
Michelle Filkins, Journal Founder, on Publishing, July 2014
Mike Hazard, Poet and Filmmaker, on Responding to Evil, Apr. 2014
Mike Tidwell, Author and Filmmaker, on Climate Change, September 2010
Milena Klimek, Organic Agriculture Student, Aug. 2014
Moishe Postone, Professor of History, on his Life, April 2008
Molly Zahn, Professor of Religious Studies, on Rewritten Scripture, April 2011
Morgan Grayce Willow, Poet, Mar. 2016
Morton Subotnick, Composer, on his Works, February 2007
Nabil Matar, Professor of English, on Accounts of Captivity, October 2009
Nancy Carlson, Children's Author, Apr. 2014
Naomi Falk, Professor of Art, on her Work, February 2013
Naomi Scheman, Philosopher, Apr. 2016
Natalie Rae Wass, Playwright & Actor, on Nudity, Aug. 2013
Nicholas Jordan, Professor of Agronomy, on a Contemporary Land-Grant University, April 2012
Nigel Clark, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, on Humans in Extremis, April 2011
Nitin Varma, Fellow at re:work Center, Oct. 2014
Norbert Art-Uro, Artist, Oct. 2014
Norbert Eder, Juice Producer, Sep. 2014
Norbert Finzsch, Fellow at re:work Center, Oct. 2014
Norbert Hintersteininger, Breeder and Software Designer, Sep. 2014
Olive Bieringa, Choreographer, and Bryce Beverlin, Physicist, on 1/2 Life, November 2009
Ot√°vio Bueno, Philosopher of Science, Feb. 2016
Pat Nunnally, River Life Coordinator, on the Mississippi River, May 2011
Patricia Hampl, Professor of English, on Lyric Poetry, October 2009
Patrick Hamilton, Global Change Initiatives, Science Museum of MN, June 2015
Patrick Raines, Scientist, 2006
Patrick Raines, Scientist, Apr. 2015
Paula Findlen, Professor of History, on Leonardo Da Vinci, March 2010
Paula Lupkin, Professor of Architecture, on the YMCA and Beer, April 2011
Paul Hillmer, Oral Historian, on Hmong History, Apr. 2014
Peggy Skopec, Retired Teacher, Nov. 2014
Peg Meier, Reporter and Writer, Apr. 2014
Perry Price, Crafts Educator, Aug. 2015
Peter Kampits, Philosopher, Oct. 2014
Peter Kerre, DJ and Community Organizer, on the North Minneapolis Tornado, July 2011
Peter Redfield, Anthropologist, July 2014
Peter Shea, Creator of the Bat of Minerva, on the Show, January 2005
Peter Shea Introduces the Austria & Germany Series, Aug. 2014
Peter Weisensel, Russian Historian, on Ukranian Current Events, Mar. 2014
Phil Guin, Pioneer of Philosophy for Children, Dec. 2005
Psyche Williams-Forson, Professor of American Studies, on Food, March 2013
Rachel Jendrzejewski, Multidisciplinary Artist, Aug. 2014
Rachel Jendrzejewski, Multidisciplinary Artist, Aug. 2015
Rachel Jendrzejewski, Multidisciplinary Artist, on her Recent Projects, March 2013
Rachel Jendrzejewski, Playwright, on Ephemeral Performances, April 2012
Raffael Hickisch, Nature Preservationist, Oct. 2014
Randall Curren, Professor of Philosophy, on Sustainability, March 2010
Randel Hanson, Professor of Geography, on the Robust Food Movement, October 2012
Raoni Rajao, Management Student, on Amazon Deforestation, April 2011
Ravi Malhotra, Professor of Law, on the Disability Rights Movement, March 2013
Ray Gonzalez, Professor of English, on Teaching Poetry, March 2010
Raymond Geuss, Professor of Philosophy, on Doing Philosophy, May 2010
Raymond Toller, Ph.D. Candidate in Evolutionary Biology, Aug. 2014
Rebecca Krinke, Artist, on Participatory Art, October 2012
Rebecca Louise Paxton, Organic Agriculture Student, Aug. 2014
Rebecca Scott, Professor of Sociology, on Coal Mining, April 2010
Rebekah Rentzel, Director, on her Practice, August 2011
Reeva Wortel, Visual Artist, on Portraits, January 2012
Reggie Prim, Artist, on Civic Engagement, November 2007
Regina Fragner, Farmer, Sep. 2014
Regula Russelle, Book-Maker, on her Projects, November 2012
Reinhard Derntl, Vegetable Farmer, Sep. 2014
Renata Holod, Scholar of Islamic Art & Architecture, May 2013
Rhoda Gilman, Historian, on Social Justice and Human Rights, Feb. 2014
Richard Altenbaugh, Professor Emeritus of Secondary Education, on Education and Society, March 2011
Richard Mizelle, Environmental Historian, Apr. 2015
Richard Steckel, Professor of Economics, on The Long Shadow of American Slavery, December 2011
Richard Wilk, Professor of Anthropology, on Civilisation, March 2011
Rich Horton, Editor of Rift Magazine, Jan. 2016
Rick Duque, Professor of Social Studies of Science, on Transplanting Science, April 2011
Rita Deyo, Writer and Volunteer, Mar. 2016
Rita Raley, Professor of English, on Electronic Literature, February 2009
Robert DeArmond, Arts Council Director, Apr. 2014
Robert Gilmer, Postdoc in Native American History, on Mississippi River Flooding, May 2011
Robert Gilmer, Postdoc in Native American History, on Oil and Water, June 2010
Robert Hammel, Filmmaker, on Filmmaking, November 2009
Robert Lang, Origami Master, on the Frontiers of Origami, March 2011
Robert Wallace, Evolutionary Biologist, on the Agroeconomics of Disease, July 2015
Robin Gilette, Director of the Fringe Festival, on the Fringe, July 2009
Robin Gillette, Director of the MN Fringe, on Her Tenure, Aug. 2013
Roger Hart, Professor of History, on Chinese Math, March 2007
Ronald Krebs, Prof. of Political Science, Aug. 2015
Ron Reed, Pioneer of Philosophy for Children, Dec. 2005