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Two children sitting with a baby in between them on a blanket in the front yard of a house
Two children skiing through the woods
Two children standing and holding hands in the backyard of a house
Two children standing by the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Two children standing in front of a cabin at Cass Lake
Two children standing in front of another child in a wagon by the house of Cavour Hartley at 3800 East Superior Street
Two children standing in the middle of a street
Two children standing on a walkway by the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Two children standing on a walkway by the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Two children standing on the front steps of a house wearing American flag regalia
Two children standing on the front walkway to a house
Two children standing together in the backyard of a house
Two children standing together wearing skis on the grounds of the house of Cavour Hartley at 3800 East Superior Street
Two children standing with frozen Minnehaha Falls behind them
Two children walking on a pathway by the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Two Chinese Men Hauling Bricks
Two Chinese Men Hauling Goods
Two Chinese young ladies on the "Throne of Soap."
Two columns with path leading to river.
"Two Companions" painted by Emile Renard, hung in Glensheen's Second Floor Hall