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Autumn Landscape
Autumn crocus, Colchicum autumnale
Autumn crocus, Colchicum autumnale
Autumn Catalogue
Autumn Catalogue
"Autumn" by Edward Cucuel, hung in Alfred Bannister's Bedroom at Glensheen
Autumnal vegetation of marsh border. Thoroughwort or joe-pye weed.
Autumnal vegetation of marsh border
Autumnal underbrush, Mississippi River, between Minneapolis and St. Paul. Golden rods, asters and sumac.
Autumnal composite vegetation
AutuMinnesota Splendor buckeye.
AutuMinnesota Splendor buckeye.
Auto trail through the Pines at Sandy Lake
Auto summarizing and authorizing the sale of the mines of the Cerro San Pedro., 1773-1774.
Autos relating to the conduct of don Antonio Portuando, official of the Junta de Temporalidades of Potosi., 1770-1795.
Autos relating to Don Diego Pover's claim upon a sum of money belonging to (owed from?) Padre Ignacio Falcon, Jesuit Procurador General of the province of Quito, now controlled by the Junta de Temporalidades., 1760-1767.
Autos from the Governor relating to the missions., 1648-1653.
Auto settling the expenses incurred in the transport of 75 Jesuits to Paraguay., December 30th, 1758.
Autos, announcements and bids on the various properties of the ex-Jesuit college of La Paz., 1767-1798.
Autos and other documents relating to the declaration of administrative independence of the Junta of La Plata from the junta de Aplicaciones of Lima., 1782-1784.