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9424 - 40 of 211350 results
Sketch of cityscape with church tower and other commercial buildings.
Sketch of door treatments.
Sketch of Egyptian motifs and paintings
Sketch of Fort Jackson (front elevation).
Sketch of full front street and advertising.
Sketch of grain bags.
Sketch of grain bags and a door.
Sketch of houses and a street.
Sketch of Kate's Saloon (front elevation).
Sketch of King Solomon's Temple.
Sketch of King Solomon's throne room, overlooking the Temple entrance.
Sketch of large building with porch and garden on street.
Sketch of large porch and flower market.
Sketch of Northern European harbor.
Sketch of proposed clock for living room
Sketch of pumpkins, frogs, insects, and field grass.
Sketch of red tower with pointed roof.
Sketch of residential house and fire hydrant
Sketch of residential scene.
Sketch of residential street scene.