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Avion (Pas-de-Calais) -- Fosse no 4 des mines de lievin (1919)
A Violin Repair Shop
A village in France, between Vichy-les-Bains and Montargis
A view toward the harbor (New York?) from aboard the ship USAT (United States Army Transport)
A View of the Press at a McCarthy Event
A view of the hospital bed and patients
A view of the Bagley Classroom at the dedication of the Bagley Nature Area Classroom Pavilion on the University of Minnesota Duluth campus
A view of refugee camp
A View of Northern irleand with Dr. John Kirkaldy
A view of Clear Lake looking eastward
Avicennia germinans. Upper surface of leaves as caked with salt from glands
Avicennia germinans flowers and leaves caked with salt
Avian influenza disease prevention and control in poultry facilities.
Avian influenza disease prevention and control in poultry facilities.
Avian influenza disease prevention and control in poultry facilities.