Six women, wearing Japanese-style kimonos, stand in front of screen. The women associated with Marumi-Kai, the Perfect Circle Club for Japanese War Brides. IISF Executive Director Annie Clo Watson is second from right.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Six women of various nationalities pose for formal portrait, wearing contemporary dresses. Sitting: Miss Elizabeth Castle, Miss Sarah Nagai, Miss. G.D. Allasia. Standing: Korean Representative (unidentified); Mrs. Emma Bresia; Mrs. McTaggart, Greek Social Worker; Miss Florence St. Clair.
1920 - 1929
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Vacuum tubes, point to point transistors, diodes, and magnetic coils laid out in a line on a sheet of paper. A man stands just behind the display and holds the edge of the paper.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Charles Babbage Institute.
Cartographic Details: Scale 1:63,360. 1 mile = 1 in. (E 68°36'--E 69°29'/N 34°50'--N 34°13'). Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Printed on cloth.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.
Cartographic Details: Scale approximately 1:4,200,000 ; (E 72°32'00"--E 85°05'00"/N 19°25'00"--N 8°00'00"). Relief show by hachures."Shewing the military movements of Major General Sir Thomas Munro, K.C.B.
Henry Colburn, -1855 (publisher); J. & C. Walker (Firm), (engraver)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.