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Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Foochow: Passing of the "old" and the coming of the "new."
Food Adjuncts
Food Adjuncts, Flavor from leaves, Salvia: Sage
Food, Nuts
Food Services, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Football Game at Northrop Field
Football helmet
Football player or coach stands with a football with spectators behind, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Football stadium band music and sound effect with stadium announcer Julius Perlt
Foot scraper with elephant top
For a Nation of Neighbors
For anything Sherlock Holmes!
Forbidden Fruit Documentary: "Butch and Femme Identities"
Ford Bridge
F, Ordered index cards to the glass plate and film negatives (Index Cards)