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Two dancers, kneeling and taking a photograph. "Nutley's of Nubec," MInnesota Jazz Dance Company
Two dancers posed in leotards. "As You Desire Me," Minnesota Jazz Dance Company
Two Distributed Optimization Algorithms for Machine Learning
Two doctors at Mount Sinai Hospital converse, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Two doctors at Mount Sinai Hospital converse with others in background, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Two documents concerning the Ocloya Indians : Santiago del Estero, 8 October 1638 : Tucumán, 26 May 1639.
Two dogs at Long Meadow Gun Club
Two drawings, one showing the transverse section of thoraces
Two Ducks Swimming
Two-eared Grebe nests
Two elderly aristocratic Chinese ladies
Two Examples of Applying the Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem to Problems in the Atmosphere/Ocean Sciences
Two farm buildings on a celery plot at Allandale Farms
Two farmers using horse-drawn carriages to plow and plant potatoes in a field at Hartley Stock Farm
Two female Mountain Plovers, aggressive upright posture
Two female Mountain Plovers, aggressive upright posture
Two female students sit on top of a bunk bed at Freshman Camp
Two finished cloth face masks
Two five year old children receiving their diplomas from the Jewish Educational Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Two Fools Vineyard and Winery.