Memory Works: Documenting Legacies of a 'Forgotten War'. Filmmaker Deann Borshay Liem screens three short films that touch on the legacies of the Korean War from the perspective of a divided family, a Korean adoptee, and women activists who cross the DMZ to promote peace. These stories challenge the notion that the Korean War is 'forgotten' and ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Borshay Liem, Deann
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University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
The Presence of the Past: Memory, Fiction, and the Contemporary Landscape Faulkner said the past is not even past. David Lowenthal among others has said that the past is a foreign country. But in fact the past is all around us and constitutes a big part of our sense of who and where we are. The past is central to people's personal stories, to we...
Institute for Advanced Study
Ellis, Mary Relindes; Watson, Catherine; Vreeland, Scott; Nunnally, Pat
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
The Presence of the Past: Memory, Fiction, and the Contemporary Landscape Faulkner said the past is not even past. David Lowenthal among others has said that the past is a foreign country. But in fact the past is all around us and constitutes a big part of our sense of who and where we are. The past is central to people's personal stories, to we...
Institute for Advanced Study
Ellis, Mary Relindes; Watson, Catherine; Vreeland, Scott; Nunnally, Pat
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
A framed display of an article in "Design News (November 1963) describing the memory disks floats and magnetic heads used in the Burroughs On-line Disk File. The display features the cover of the magazine issue, a channel 13 magnetic read/write head, a recording disk, and an excerpt with graphics, from the article by E. W. Schrader, West Coast E...
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Charles Babbage Institute.
If a concept class can be represented with a certain amount of memory, can it be efficiently learned with the same amount of memory? What concepts can be efficiently learned by algorithms that extract only a few bits of information from each example? We introduce a formal framework for studying these questions, and investigate the relationship b...
Valiant, Gregory (Stanford University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
A Misplaced Massacre: Struggling Over the Memory of Sand Creek. For more than a century and a half, the Sand Creek Massacre has been at the center of struggles over history and memory in the American West: from the government investigations launched in the massacre's immediate aftermath; to the work of so-called Indian reformers, including Helen...
Institute for Advanced Study
Kelman, Ari
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.