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9507 - 40 of 213789 results
Background negatives, Least Flycatcher
Background negatives, deciduous woods
Background negatives, Crested Flycatcher
Background negatives, Bobolink background for small group
Background negatives
Background, Muskrat houses
Background, muskrat house in reeds
Background, muskrat house and reeds
Background Matieral. Provenance Materials, ca. 1970, 1974. (Box 1, Folder 1)
Background Material. List of News Papers Published by Black YMCAs from the 1890s to the 1960s, ca. 1970. (Box 1, Folder 2).
Background, Maryland Yellowthroat
Background, looking southwest across school section
Background, looking Southwest across school section
Background, Long Meadow marsh
Background, Le Conte Sparrow
Background, landscape
Background, landscape
Background, landscape
Background, landscape
Background, landscape