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9511 - 40 of 213793 results
Sticta quercizans (Lobaria quercizans)
Sticta quercizans (Lobaria quercizans)
Sticta scrobiculata (Lobaria scrobiculatus)
Stigeoclonium flagelliferum, Pebbles from Belliforte Spring, Bellfante, Pennsylvania
Stony bed of River Poulter
Strait of Juan de Fuca near the site of the Minnesota Seaside Station
Strait of Juan de Fuca, vicinity of the Minnesota Seaside Station
Straits of Fuca with Olympic Mountains
Straits of Fuca with the Olympic Mountains
Straits of Juan de Fuca near Minnesota Seaside Station
Stream forming pool in slate rock east of Baird's Point
Streamside and rock vegetation
Stream-side vegetation.
Street in Wye
Streptopus amplexifolius
Streptopus amplexifolius
Stropharia stercoraria (Stropharia semiglobata)
Subalpine river bed now covered with Fagus forest
Sumac bushes, with golden-rods in foreground and maples in background
Summit of Mound showing bare rocks