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Hibbing chapter of Hadassah costume party, Hibbing, Minnesota
Hieracium sp. (Compositae)
Hieracium sp. (Compositae)
Higgins, G. Ray
High Bluff near the North Kawishiwi River
Higher Education. Desegregating the Washington Branch of the American Association of University Women. (Box 6, Folder 18).
High jump
High Jump
High jump
High Jump
High Jump
High Jump. Clarence Chow, 3rd place in pole vault.
High Jump. Yong King Kwei, Peking, 2nd place in pole vault.
Highland Bath House
Highlander Folk School. Highlander Background. (Box 1, Folder 2)
Highlander Folk School. Highlander Reports. (Box 1, Folder 4)
Highland Park, Toboggan Slide
High on a Peak
High School Students on Capitol Steps
Hillel students gathered around a desk