Mapping Digital Brain Drain. Rick Duque is a professor of Social Studies of Sciences at the University of Vienna. This presentation kicked off the Colloquium on Practicing Science, Technology, and Rhetoric: The North-South Divide in an Emerging Global Order. This colloquium will highlight work being done at the University of Minnesota exploring ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Duque, Rick
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
This large wall map is made up of six sheets with the double hemisphere world map in the upper half surrounded by illustrations of astronomical interest. The lower half contains thirty-six squares providing brief geographical information on various countries. The lower half also includes busts and a brief text of different explorers, and medalli...
Jaillot, Bernard
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, James Ford Bell Library.
This fragment of an unknown planisphere is of special interest for its portrayal of Africa. Area shown extends from the British and Canary Islands on the west to the Red and Black Seas on the east.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, James Ford Bell Library.