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9765 - 20 of 211584 results
Plate 357 (Plate CCCLVII), American Magpie
Plate 358 (Plate CCCLVIII), Pine Grosbeak
Plate 359 (Plate CCCLIX), Arkansaw Flycatcher, Swallow Tailed Flycatcher, Says Flycatcher
Plate 360 (Plate CCCLX), Winter Wren, Rock Wren
Plate 361 (Plate CCCLXI), Long-Tailed or Dusky Grous
Plate 362 (Plate CCCLXII), Yellow billed Magpie, Stellers Jay, Ultramarine Jay, Clark's Crow
Plate 363 (Plate CCCLXIII), Bohemian Chatterer
Plate 364 (Plate CCCLXIV), White-winged Crossbill
Plate 365 (Plate CCCLXV), Lapland Long-spur
Plate 366 (Plate CCCLXVI), Iceland or Jer Falcon