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National Board Files. Topical Files: Racial integration, 1961-1967. (Box 2, Folder 63)
National Board Files. Topical Files: Racial integration, 1961-1967. (Box 2, Folder 64)
National Board Files. Topical Files: Riverside Church, 1952-1959. (Box 2, Folder 65)
National Board Files. Topical Files: Self-developed program for residents of disadvantaged areas, 1956-1967. (Box 2, Folder 66)
National Board Files. Topical Files: United Negro College Fund, 1963-1966. (Box 2, Folder 68)
NCCJ Officers and Personnel. Claud Nelson files. National Conference on Religion and Race. (Box 26, Folder 77)
NCCJ Officers and Personnel. Lewis Webster Jones. National Conference on Religion and Race. (Box 34, Folder 9)
NCCJ Public Relations and Publications. Bulletins/ Newsletters. Congress of Racial Equality. (Box 49, Folder 16)
NCCJ Public Relations and Publications. Bulletins/ Newsletters. ILO News (International Labour Office.) (Box 52, Folder 13)
NCCJ Public Relations and Publications. Bulletins/ Newsletters. Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Memo, 1964-1965. (Box 52, Folder 26)