Al Hoda Publishing Company's golden jubilee banquet sponsored by the Lebanon League of Progress of New York at the St. George Hotel, New York, New York, February 22, 1948.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Many of the variational models of image processing and computer vision involve optimizing an energy over interfaces. An important example is image segmentation, where the goal is to partition the image domain into regions containing distinct objects. Typically, the models include a geometric penalty term, such as perimeter or Euler's elastica en...
Esedoglu, Selim (University of Michigan)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Continuing the first lecture, we will introduce advanced features thatimprove the performance of algorithms for solving the Benders-baseddecomposition. Aggregating scenarios and regularization approacheswill be a primary focus. We will also introduce a different 'dual'decomposition technique that can be effective for solving two-stagestochastic ...
Linderoth, Jeff (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Mechanical durability testing in the automotive, aerospace and other industries presents great challenges. Current techniques typically require iterations to process the data acquired in the field so that it can be accurately simulated in the test lab. This talk will describe the state of the art for durability testing, present real-world exampl...
Garcia, Juan (MTS Systems Corporation)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Keywords: locomotion, motion planning, verification, control, robotic birds, perchingAbstract: Locomotion in fluids (and on terrain) often involves complex nonlinear dynamics and non-trivial notions of stability including limit cycles and dynamically stable maneuvers. In this talk I will describe some new algorithms for automatically verifying s...
Tedrake, Russ (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Joint work with Gregor Kemper.I will discuss algorithms for finding generators ofrings of invariants, with emphasis on reductive groupsin positive characteristic and non-reductive groups.
Derksen, Harm (University of Michigan)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
To improve materials design, it is important to understand the influence ofmicrostructure on the physical properties of a material. Very often, it is the nucleation process that dictates the microstructure. We present some recentjoint works with colleagues at Penn State on the computational studies of criticalnuclei morphology, growth and coarse...
Du, Qiang (The Pennsylvania State University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
What do these algorithms all have in common? What are the common goals of the problems and how do they achieve them? I will discuss several known techniques and open problems.
Gilbert, Anna (University of Michigan)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
hat algorithmic problem do we mean by Compressed Sensing? There are a variety of alternatives, each with different algorithmic solutions (both theoretical and practical). I will discuss some of the different types of results from the combinatorial to the probabilistic.
Gilbert, Anna (University of Michigan)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Typically, forces between dipolar particles are calculated using dipole-based models such as the dipolar model (DM). These models allow for simple force calculations between paramagnetic spheres in an external magnetic field, but are typically inaccurate for systems where particles are in close proximity due to multipolar effects. Additionally, ...
Biswal, Sibani (Rice University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The enormous growth of biological sequence data has caused bioinformatics to be rapidly moving towards a data-intensive, computational science. As a result, the computational power needed by bioinformatics applications is growing rapidly as well. The recent emergence of parallel accelerator technologies such as GPUs has made it possible to signi...
Density Functional Theory is one of the most successful approaches for computing the electronic structure of materials and is currently used to study thousand-atom systems today. The goals of this tutorial are two-fold. First, I will present the basic equations and ideas behind the solution of the many-body electronic Schrodinger equation throug...
Meza, Juan C. (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Fitting a model to a collection of observations is one of the quintessential questions in statistics. The standard assumption is that the data was generated by a model of a given type (e.g., a mixture model). This simplifying assumption is at best only approximately valid, as real datasets are typically exposed to some source of contamination. H...
Diakonikolas, Ilias (University of Southern California)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
In addition to my research into vortex particle methods, parallel N-body methods, and GPU programming, I create artwork using these same computer programs. The work consists of imagery and animations of fluid forms and other shapes and patterns in nature. Using relatively simple algorithms reflecting the origins of their underlying processes, ma...
Stock, Mark J. (Applied Scientific Research)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.