Even a casual reader of OEIS knows that some sequences are quite nice and elegant (e.g. A000108) while others are very erratic and rather difficult (e.g. A000002). One way to explain the difference is to say that the former sequences count natural combinatorial objects, while the latter do not. But what exactly IS a natural combinatorial sequenc...
Pak, Igor (University of California, Los Angeles)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Non-Euclidean thin plates arise in different circumstances: differential growth, swelling, shrinking or plastic deformations can set the geometry of an elastic body to a preferred 'target metric'. In our model, the latter plays the main role in determining the shape of the plate. We use analytical techniques in the context of calculus of variati...
Pakzad, Reza (University of Pittsburgh)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Letter from John Palandech of Chicago, Illinois to his brother Joko Palandech, most likely residing in Montenegro, Yugoslavia, written on January 2, 1926.
There is emerging interest in using soft materials for energy conversion, particularly in the conversion of light and heat energy into mechanical work. Liquid crystals, where the coupling of orientational order and strain/stress may be employed for this purpose, are promising materials for such applications. The celebrated work of Onsager [1] on...
Palffy-Muhoray, Peter (Kent State University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The dependence on available information is known to vanish for many `mean field' control problems. We investigate the role that information plays in the fluctuations about these mean field limits. In particular, we show how the fluctuations can be calculated efficiently for discrete mean field control problems with partial information, even when...
Palmer, Aaron (University of British Columbia)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.