A woman solders wiring to terminal points in a Master Directional Indicator for aircraft. Her head and shoulders occupy the right half of the image, the indicator is at the center of the image, while other components, a spool of wire, and tools can be seen on the left.
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University of Minnesota Libraries, Charles Babbage Institute.
In this expository discussion, we explore the use of 'mass transport,' the classical Monge mass transfer problem and the contemporary development of its kinetic or evolutionary counterpart, to describe intracellular transport mechanisms. At its core, this theory offers a gradient flow for entropy or free energy and thus represents some way of un...
Kinderlehrer, David (Carnegie Mellon University)
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University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Mass transfer plays a critical role controlling the effectiveness of anticancer therapies. The effectiveness of chemotherapeutic molecules is controlled by their clearance, diffusion, uptake and rate of action. Non-intuitively, there is an optimum in efficacy for both diffusion and uptake. This observation has numerous implications for the desig...
Forbes, Neil (University of Massachusetts)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.