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12th Semi-annual report, 1960-1961 (Box 2, Folder 21)
Academic Placement of Students from Korea, 1959 (Box 1, Folder 17)
Aerial view of the hospital and part of the Medical College - Nursing School, Seoul National University
Aerial view of the hospital and part of the Medical College - Nursing School, Seoul National University
Air mail delivery, Seoul, Korea
American-Korean Foundation - Minnesota Representative, 1958-1962 (Box 3, Folder 29)
American Professional Societies, 1957-1960 (Box 16, Folder 09)
Annual Report of the Director of the Korean Research Center, 1962 (Box 64, Folder 37)
A Report and Recommendations on Physics Instruction, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University by Andrew Hustrulid, 1956 (Box 65, Folder 02)
Art exchange exhibit, Seoul, Korea
Art exchange exhibit sign, Seoul, Korea
Bibliography, 1958-1960 (Box 15, Folder 01)
Biographical (Box 1, Folder 1)
Budget, 1957-1963 (Box 17, Folder 15)
Budget (Box 14, Folder 4)
Budget - Equipment Requisitions, 1959-1962 (Box 17, Folder 16)
Budget - Long Distance Telephone Calls, 1958-1962 (Box 17, Folder 17)